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2016 Summit on the Future of Europe — Europe and The Forces of (Dis)union

Monday, November 14, 2016

9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.

Lower Level Conference Room, Adolphus Busch Hall

2016 Summit on the Future of Europe — Europe and The Forces of (Dis)union

Monday, November 14, 2016

9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.

Lower Level Conference Room, Adolphus Busch Hall

Monday, November 14, 2016

9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.

Lower Level Conference Room, Adolphus Busch Hall
Video recording 1h:39m
Video recording 1h:22m
Video recording 1h:10m
Video recording 1h:35m
Video recording 1h:43m
Video recording 1h:31m


The Summit on the Future of Europe is an initiative of Harvard University’s Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies (CES). Launched in 2014, this annual conference aims to convene eminent scholars and public leaders at Harvard in order to debate critical challenges facing Europe.

Since 2008, the terms crisis and Europe have become inseparable. As the crisis has deepened and persisted and its dimensions multiplied, the future of a united Europe and its core values have been called into question. Yet, there is wide divergence of views among experts and politicians on the causes, symptoms, implications and policies needed to resolve it. Is it necessary for Europe and the European Union to discard old models and principles in order to find a way out of crisis? Or should traditional European approaches simply be refined and applied more consistently in order to find solutions? The 2016 Summit, entitled Europe and the Forces of (Dis)union, will examine the adverse political, economic and social trends that have both fueled the crisis and/or resulted from it. The proceedings will assess the options open to Europe in confronting its multiple challenges and reflect on Europe’s future.


This event is co-sponsored by:

  • with the support of the Cultural Services of the French Embassy in the United States
  • Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies, Harvard University
  • The Ukrainian Research Institute at Harvard University (HURI)
  • Jean Monnet ad Personam Chair in European Union Law and Government
  • This event is made possible by the John F. Kennedy Memorial Policy Fellowship
  • Real Colegio Complutense, Harvard University
  • Weatherhead Center for International Affairs, Harvard University
Download the Agenda for the 2016 Summit


Opening Remarks and Introduction
9:00am - 9:05am
Summit on the Future of Europe — Opening Remarks and Introduction
  • Grzegorz Ekiert – Laurence A. Tisch Professor of Government, Harvard University; Director, CES
Is European Democracy in Crisis?
9:10am - 10:40am
Summit on the Future of Europe — Is European Democracy in Crisis?
  • Wolfgang Merkel – Director, Democracy and Democratization Research Unit, Berlin Social Science Center (WZB); John F. Kennedy Memorial Policy Fellow, CES
  • Pippa Norris – McGuire Lecturer in Comparative Politics, Harvard Kennedy School; ARC Laureate Fellow and Professor of Government and International Relations, University of Sydney; Director, Electoral Integrity Project
  • Joseph H.H. Weiler – President, European University Institute (EUI); Senior Fellow, CES
  • Daniel Ziblatt – Professor of Government, Harvard University; Resident Faculty Member, CES
  • Chair Charles Maier – Leverett Saltonstall Professor of History, Harvard University; Resident Faculty Member, CES
Is the Eurozone Crisis Over?
10:45am - 12:15pm
Summit on the Future of Europe — Is the Eurozone Crisis Over?
  • Jeffry Frieden – Professor of Government, Harvard University
  • Peter A. Hall – Krupp Foundation Professor of European Studies, Government Department, Harvard University; Resident Faculty Member, CES
  • Hans-Helmut Kotz – Professor of Economics, Freiburg University; Visiting Professor of Economics, Harvard University; Resident Faculty Member, CES
  • Christopher Smart – Senior Fellow, Mossavar-Rahmani Center for Business and Government, Harvard Kennedy School; Special Assistant to the President for International Economics (2013-2015); Deputy Assistant Secretary of Treasury for Europe and Eurasia (2009-2013)
  • Chair Dante Roscini – Professor of Management Practice, Harvard Business School; Faculty Associate, CES
Keynote Address by European Commissioner Pierre Moscovici
12:30pm - 2:00pm
Summit on the Future of Europe — Keynote Address by European Commissioner Pierre Moscovici
  • Pierre Moscovici – European Commissioner for Economic and Financial Affairs, Taxation and Customs
  • Chair Grzegorz Ekiert – Laurence A. Tisch Professor of Government, Harvard University; Director, CES
Europe’s Security and Foreign Policy Challenges
2:30pm - 4:00pm
Summit on the Future of Europe — Europe’s Security and Foreign Policy Challenges
  • Rawi E. Abdelal – Herbert F. Johnson Professor of International Management, Harvard Business School; Director, Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies, Harvard University; Faculty Associate, CES
  • Graham Allison – Douglas Dillon Professor of Government; Director, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard Kennedy School
  • Serhii Plokhii – Mykhailo S. Hrushevs'kyi Professor of Ukrainian History; Director, Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute, Harvard University
  • Jessica Stern – Research Professor, Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies, Boston University
  • Chair Mary Elise Sarotte – Dean’s Professor of History and Professor of International Relations, University of Southern California; Senior Fellow, Transatlantic Academy, German Marshall Fund; Associate, CES
From Enlargement to Brexit: The Future of the European Union
4:15pm - 6:00pm
Summit on the Future of Europe — From Enlargement to Brexit: The Future of the European Union
  • George Alogoskoufis – Karamanlis Chair of Hellenic and European Studies, The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University; Minister of Economy and Finance of Greece (2004-2009)
  • R. Daniel Kelemen – Professor of Political Science and Jean Monnet Chair in European Union Politics, Rutgers University
  • Vivien A. Schmidt – Jean Monnet Professor of European Integration, Professor of International Relations and Political Science, Boston University; Founding Director, Center for the Study of Europe, Boston University; Local Affiliate, CES
  • Sir Paul Tucker – Chair, The Systemic Risk Council; Senior Fellow, Mossavar-Rahmani Center for Business and Government, Harvard Kennedy School; Former Deputy Governor, The Bank of England (2009-2013); Senior Fellow, CES
  • Chair Peter A. Hall – Krupp Foundation Professor of European Studies, Harvard University; Resident Faculty Member, CES

