Thirteen graduate students from Harvard and MIT were the recipients of Krupp Foundation Dissertation Research Fellowship from CES for the 2019-2020 academic year. Unless otherwise noted all graduate students are enrolled at Harvard University.
- Francesca Bellei (Comparative Literature) – "Europe's South: Cultural Hegemony and Appropriation of the Past"
- Siyu Cai (Comparative Literature) – "Music and Exile in Twentieth-Century German, Italian, and Polish Literature"
- Hannah Cohen (Art, Film and Visual Studies) – "On the Question of Aesthetic Authorship, 1971 – Present"
- Rachelle Grossman (Comparative Literature) – "Communism and Continuity: Yiddish Writing in Postwar Poland"
- Hanno Hilbig (Government) – "Fiscal Decentralization, Local Governance, and Voting Behavior"
- Emily Kanner (Slavic Languages & Literatures) – "The Magic Lantern in Russian Literature and Culture"
- Aden Knaap (History) – "Judging the World: International Courts and the Origins of Global Governance, 1899-1945"
- Lorenzo McClellan (History) – "The Secularization of Pleasure and Pain: The Emergence of Utilitarianism"
- Mina Mitreva (History) – "The Radical Left in Germany and Austria, 1918-1938"
- Bo Yun Park (Sociology) – "The Changing Scripts of Political Leadership, 1933-2019"
- Briitta van Staalduinen (Government) – "Ethnicity and Social Mobility in the Welfare States of Europe"
- Christopher Williams-Wynn (History of Art and Architecture) – "Critical Systems: Conceptual Art in a Global Information Age, 1968-1980"
- Madeleine Wolf (Romance Languages & Literature) – "The Noise of the Text: Dissonance and Disruption in Nineteenth-Century French Literature"