The Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies (CES) is committed to providing Harvard College students with the resources to deepen their interest in Europe. The Center's Undergraduate Associates have received funding for research and work in Europe and/or declared their intention to complete the Secondary Field in European History, Politics and Societies (EHPS). For more information on how CES supports undergraduate students curious about the study of Europe, see here.
Undergraduate Associates

European History, Politics, and Societies

Immanuel Carmouche (Classics, History, 2025)
Katherine Cassese (Philosophy; Social Studies Honors, 2026)
Addie Esposito (Government, Germanic Language and Literature, 2025)
Tali Finger (Physics, Philosophy, 2025)
Oriana Gijni (Physics, 2027)
Connor Huey (Government, History, 2025)
Isabelle King (Government, 2026)
Hazel Koh (Government, Secondary Field in European History, Politics, and Societies, 2025)
Gregor Kossmann (Social Studies, International Relations, 2025)
Annabelle Krause (History and Literature, Classics, 2025)
Henry Moss (History, 2026)
Isaac Ohrenstein (Social Studies, Jewish Studies, 2026)
Sasha Peck (Social Studies, 2026)
Benjamin Rosa (Social Studies, 2026)
Claire Swadling (Physics, 2027)
Thomas Tait (Government, 2026)
Senior Thesis Grant Recipients

Selam Ambaw (Sociology, Linguistics, Secondary Field in Religion, 2025)
John Chilson (Economics, Secondary Field in Government, 2025)
Robert Erdos (English & Philosophy, 2025)
Addie Esposito (Government, Germanic Languages & Literatures, Secondary Field in European History, Politics & Societies, 2025)
Caroline Gage (Social Studies, 2025)
Isabelle Halsey (History of Science, 2025)
Hazel Koh (Government, Secondary Field in European History, Politics, and Societies, 2025)
Annabelle Krause (History and Literature, 2025)
Tia KwanBock (Romance Languages and Literature, 2025)
Aqil Merchant (Anthropology, Secondary Field in Global Health and Health Policy, 2025)
Tobechukwu Nwafor (Government, History, 2025)
Amadife Oluchukwu (Government, Romance Languages and Literatures, 2025)
Nini Sikharulidze (Human Developmental and Regenerative Biology, 2025)
Margo Silliman (History & Literature, Secondary Field in Economics, 2025)
Margaret Smith (History, 2025)
Katia Soares dos Santos (Social Studies, 2025)
Internship Grant Recipients

Grace Bida (Art, Film and Visual Studies, 2026)
Maeve Brennan (History & Literature, Secondary Field in Government, 2026)
Kya Brooks (Economics, Secondary Field in History of Art & Architecture, 2025)
Katherine Cassese (Philosophy, Social Studies, Secondary Field in Classical Civilizations, 2026)
Natalia de los Rios (Undeclared, 2027)
Sally Edwards (Government, 2026)
Addie Esposito (Government, Germanic Languages & Literatures, Secondary Field in European History, Politics & Societies, 2025)

Anne-Charlotte Gillard (History & Science, Art, Film, & Visual Studies, 2025)
Edona Cosovic (Government, Secondary Field in Economics, 2025)
Giovanni D'Antonio (Statistics, Computer Science, 2026)
Kejsi Demaj (Government, 2025)
Alexandra Dorofeev (Statistics, 2025)
Taylor Fang (English, Computer Science, 2025)
Anna Farronay (History, Romance Languages & Literature, 2025)

Cecelia Grinstead (English, 2026)
Elise Hawkins (Philosophy, Secondary Field in History, 2025)
Hugo Hinze (Social Studies, 2026)
Serena Jampel (History & Literature, Secondary Field in Folklore & Mythology, 2025)
Hazel Koh (Government, French, Secondary Field in European History, Politics, and Societies, 2025)
Katy Lin (Social Studies, East Asian Studies, Secondary Field in German & Scandinavian Studies, 2026)
Kyle Mandell (History & Literature, Romance Languages & Literatures, 2025)

Dominykas Navickas (Government, Economics, 2026)
Olivia Pasquerella (Social Studies, Philosophy, 2026)
Luka Pavikjevikj (Undeclared, 2027)
Lauren Perl (History & Literature, 2025)
Maya Rosen (Social Studies, History & Science, 2025)
Selina Tang (Undeclared, 2027)
Tesia Thomas (Economics, 2026)
Dailan Xu (Undeclared, 2027)
Jeffrey Yang (Social Studies, Psychology, 2026)