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Celebrating Undergraduates

Throughout their years at Harvard College, Florian Bochert, Abby LaBreck, and Mercedes Sappupo were active members of the CES community. These students deepened their knowledge of Europe by taking advantage of CES programs including research and internship grants, the Secondary Field in European History, Politics, and Societies (EHPS), and by participating in many events and off-the-record discussions. These students’ post-Harvard plans reflect their deep intellectual passion for and sense of connection to Europe.

Florian Bochert

Florian Bochert (Government, Secondary Field in European History, Politics, and Societies (EHPS), 2023)

CES Engagement:

  • Research assistantships with Professor Daniel Ziblatt and John F. Kennedy Memorial Fellow Alexander Horn
  • Internship: WZB Berlin Social Science Center (Transformations of Democracy Unit)
  • Secondary Field in European History, Politics, and Societies (EHPS)
  • Senior Thesis Grant for his project "An Invisible Wall: Reasons for the Political Divide Between Eastern and Western Germany."

What's next:

Florian will start a Master's in International Affairs at the Hertie School in Berlin.

"What really engaged me with the Center was the research. I did a research assistantship and also worked with Professor Ziblatt which directly shaped my academic and professional career." – Florian Bochert

Abby LaBreck

Abby LaBreck (Government, Secondary Field in European History, Politics, and Societies (EHPS), 2023)

CES Engagement:

  • Internship: Center for European Policy Analysis (CEPA)
  • 2023 Washington Workshop
  • Secondary Field in European History, Politics, and Societies (EHPS)
  • Senior Thesis Grant for her project "The Intersection of Religion and Politics: Compulsory Religious Education in Alsace-Moselle."

What's next:

  • Abby will begin a Master's in International Governance and Diplomacy at Sciences Po in Paris.

"What brought me to CES was social and academic. Harvard doesn't offer an international relations concentration, so I decided to explore something that fit in the European foreign policy avenue. I was in government, and EHPS perfectly tailored that concentration." – Abby LaBreck

Mercedes Sapuppo

Mercedes Sapuppo (Social Studies, 2023)

CES Engagement:

  • Internship: Democracy and Culture Foundation (DCF)
  • 2020 & 2023 Washington Workshops
  • Senior Thesis Grant for her project "Democratic Backsliding during Covid-19 in Central and Eastern Europe."

What's next:

  • Mercedes will join the Atlantic Council in Washington, D.C. where her work will focus on Europe & Eurasia.

"One of the most crucial things about CES was the summer funding, not only because of the experiences it allowed me, but also the events that came with it and the community built around the people who received those grants." – Mercedes Sapuppo
