Schmidt is Jean Monnet Professor of European Integration and professor of international relations and political science at Boston University. At CES,
Schmidt is co-chair of the
European Union seminar. She has written widely on European political economy,
institutions, and democracy and the role of ideas and discourse in political
analysis. She is the author or editor of twelve books, including Europe’s
Crisis of Legitimacy: Governing by Rules and Ruling by Numbers in the
(OUP 2019), Resilient Liberalism in Europe’s
Political Economy
(with M. Thatcher, 2013), and Democracy in
(OUP 2006), named by the European Parliament as one of the ‘100
Books on Europe to Remember.’ Recent awards include decoration as
Chevalier in
the French Legion of Honor, the European Union Studies Association’s Lifetime
Achievement Award, and a Guggenheim Foundation Fellowship for her current
project on the “Rhetoric of Discontent: A transatlantic comparison of the rise
of populism.”
Jean Monnet Professor of European Integration and Professor of International Relations and Political Science, Boston University