Fifty years ago, a young graduate student named Guido Goldman joined his admired professor, Stanley Hoffmann, in a modest venture that would eventually grow into today's Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies (CES). Since that time, CES has advanced the study of Europe in all corners of the globe and has built a community of thousands of faculty, scholars, and students who have made great achievements as educators, researchers, journalists, entrepreneurs, and leaders in every sector imaginable. The collective accomplishments of the CES community over the past 50 years provide reasons to celebrate and give thanks, and inspire us to continue to advance the Center’s timeless mission.
We invite you to help commemorate the Center’s semi-centennial through a series of special anniversary events that have been planned throughout this academic year. Below we share just the initial few events in the year-long anniversary series, and hope you will join us to celebrate and deliberate in CES style!