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Laura Levine Frader

Local Affiliate


Laura Levine Frader

Laura Levine Frader is professor emeritus at Northeastern University. She specializes in French social history and European women’s and gender history and has written extensively on these topics. Her publications include Peasants and Protest: Agricultural Workers, Politics and Unions in the Aude, 1850-1914 (University of California Press, 1991); Gender and Class in Modern Europe (co-edited with Sonya O. Rose, Cornell University Press, 1996), Race in France: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Politics of Difference (co-edited with Herrick Chapman, Berghahn, 2004); The Industrial Revolution (Oxford University Press, 2006); and Breadwinners and Citizens: Gender in the Making of the French Social Model (Duke University Press, 2008) as well as many articles in English and French-language books and journals. She has served on the editorial boards of The Journal of Modern History and French Historical Studies, and currently serves on the editorial board of French Politics, Culture, and Society and on the editorial board of Signs: Journal of Women, Culture and Society.

Frader’s research focuses on the historical and cultural foundations of social inequality, particularly gender inequality. A current project focuses on the history of gender equality policies of the European community since the Treaty of Rome (1957) and their impacts on member states. A second project examines the place of gender and racial difference in French colonial thinking and practice.

At the Minda de Gunzberg Center for European Studies, Frader is a local affiliate and chair of the European Politics Seminar.


  • Professor Emeritus, Northeastern University
  • Local Affiliate & Seminar Chair, Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies, Harvard University