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European Economic Policy Forum

Europe’s Travails: Is Deeper Integration the Answer?

November 30, 2018
2:30pm - 4:00pm
Goldman Room, Adolphus Busch Hall
November 30, 2018
2:30pm - 4:00pm
Goldman Room, Adolphus Busch Hall

Europe’s economic and monetary union seems to be afflicted by ever more and ever larger cleavages. These divergences create tensions, pulling Europe almost inexorably apart. For some, beginning with the “Four Presidents’ Report” (2012), the obvious answer is “more Europe”, a centralization – unification – with an increasing reach over ever more policy domains. However, given the diversity of interests and policy views or preferences – e.g. Hanseatic League vs. the Southerners – the “ever closer union” becomes ever less plausible. Are there options to get out of this impasse? In his lecture, Ashoka Mody, ponders the Economic and Monetary Union's future.


The European Economic Policy Forum convenes leading academics, senior experts and policy makers to analyze current and emerging European economic policy issues and effective responses. The aim is to facilitate and deepen understanding of European and Eurozone economies and to generate ideas for confronting European economic policy challenges.

