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Film Screening: "Goodbye Lenin" (2003)

April 18, 2014
7:00pm - 10:00pm
Lower Library (first floor), Robinson Hall
April 18, 2014
7:00pm - 10:00pm
Lower Library (first floor), Robinson Hall


As part of the history department's film series, Harvard Professor of History Mary Lewis will be screening "Goodbye Lenin" at 7 pm in Robinson Hall (Lower Library on first floor). This is a very funny movie about the fall of the Berlin Wall and the reunification of Germany, so we encourage anyone to come and to bring guests for a really very entertaining film. A trailer is here: Popcorn, soda/pop, and other light refreshments served. All are welcome (historians and non-historians alike) - bring along friends and family!

In order that we have enough popcorn and soda, please RSVP to Prof. Lewis ( to let her know if you are hoping to come and how many friends may/will accompany you.
