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2023 Senior Thesis Grant Recipients

This year the Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies (CES) granted Senior Thesis Grants to ten rising seniors from six disciplines to travel and conduct research in seven European countries.*

(From Left to Right - Back Row: William Brown, Diego Flores, Andy Wang, Henry Haimo - Front Row: Fiona Brennan, Julia Tellides, Logan Kelly, and Justin Hu)
Fiona Brennan

Fiona Brennan (Government, 2024)

Citizens’ Assemblies in Ireland – Research Location: Ireland

William Brown (History, 2024)

Friedrich Julius Stahl: A Critic of Natural Law in Post-Revolutionary Prussia – Research Location: Germany

Gordon Ebanks (Social Studies, Secondary Field in Mind, Brain & Behavior, 2024)

The Making of a Nationalist Party: How Nationalist Parties in the U.K. Confront Economic Ideology – Research Location: United Kingdom

Diego Flores

Diego Flores (History & Literature, Secondary Field in Government, 2024)

Dictating Cuisine: Catalonian Resistance in the Kitchen Under the Franco Regime – Research Location: Spain * Real Colegio Complutense Grant Recipient

Jay Garg (Economics, 2024)

Opium, Poppy Eradication, and State Collapse in China – Research Location: United Kingdom

Henry Haimo (History, 2024)

From Colonial to National Cartography in Ghana – Research Location: United Kingdom

Julia Tellides

Justin Hu (Romance Languages & Literature, History 2024)

A Caribbean Counter-Pedagogy: Studying with Aime Cesaire – Research Location: France

Logan Kelly (Social Studies, Spanish 2024)

Drug Decriminalization in Portugal from a Comparative and Historical Perspective – Research Location: Portugal

Justin Hu

Julia Tellides (History, Classics 2024)

The Jewish Community in Thessaloniki – Research Location: Greece

Andy Wang (Social Studies, Philosophy, 2024)

Philosophical Underpinnings of the German Right to Informational Self-Determination – Research Location: Germany * Stanley H. Hoffmann Undergraduate Research and Travel Grant Recipient
