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2023 Dissertation Completion Fellowship Recipients

The Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies (CES) awarded four graduate students from Harvard University and MIT a Dissertation Completion Fellowship to conduct research on Europe during the 2023-2024 academic year.

Carmello Ignaccolo is a recipient of a 2023 Dissertation Completion Fellowship. (Photo with Elena Militello, Visiting Scholar 2022-2023)
Elaine Fitz Gibbon

Max Ehrenfreund (History of Science) – Economic calculation and the problem of knowledge in Central Europe, 1871–1944

Elaine Fitz Gibbon (Music) – Artists/historians: Mauricio Kagel, Musiktheater and the mobility of (musical) history

Carmelo Ignaccolo (Urban Studies and Planning, MIT) – Behind the waterfront: The masking of inequities in the reconstruction of Mediterranean port cities

Mac Loftin (The Study of Religion) – Fascism, antifascism, and political theology in Bonhoeffer, Bataille, and Weil

* Unless otherwise noted all students are enrolled at Harvard University. This list was last updated on June 6, 2023.
