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McCloy Lecture with Jürgen Trittin (Leader of the German Greens): The Euro and Its Geostrategic Dimension

May 6, 2013
5:00pm - 7:00pm
Starr Auditorium, Harvard Kennedy School, 79 JFK Street, Cambridge MA 02138
May 6, 2013
5:00pm - 7:00pm
Starr Auditorium, Harvard Kennedy School, 79 JFK Street, Cambridge MA 02138


Jürgen Trittin, leader of the Green Party for the Federal elections this September, former German Minister for the Environment (1998-2005), and chairman of the Green group in the German Bundestag, will give the second McCloy lecture of the year on the Euro and its Geostrategic Dimension. He will speak about alternatives to the current policies to address the challenges of the crisis in Europe. Trittin is widely mentioned as a possible candidate for Minister of Finance in a new center-left government.

The event is open to the public.
