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Thursday, February 13, 2020

Technopopulism: The New Logic of Democratic Politics
2:30pm - 4:00pm
European Politics Seminar & Seminar on Populism — Technopopulism: The New Logic of Democratic Politics
Goldman Room, Adolphus Busch Hall
  • Christopher Bickerton – University Lecturer in Politics, University of Cambridge
  • Chair Arthur Goldhammer – Writer & Translator; Local Affiliate & Seminar Chair, Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies, Harvard University

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

A Europe Fit for the Digital Age
4:30pm - 6:00pm
European Union Seminar — A Europe Fit for the Digital Age
Goldman Room, Adolphus Busch Hall
  • Kasia Jakimowicz – Edward S. Mason Fellow, Harvard Kennedy School; Senior Programme Advisor, European Innovation Council, European Commission (2018-2019)
  • Julia Reda – Fellow, Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society, Harvard University; Member of the European Parliament (2014-2019)
  • Álvaro Renedo Zalba – Rafael del Pino-Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs Fellow, Project on Europe and the Transatlantic Relationship, Harvard Kennedy School
  • Chair Karl Kaiser – Fellow, Project on Europe and the Transatlantic Relationship, Harvard Kennedy School; CES Seminar Co-chair, Harvard University

Monday, February 10, 2020

Fields of Study Fair 2020
5:00pm - 7:00pm
Fields of Study Fair 2020
Annenberg Hall, Entrance from Cambridge Street Memorial Hall Transept

Friday, February 7, 2020

The Politics of Punitive and Enabling Workfare: Evidence from 16 Countries from 1980-2015
2:00pm - 3:30pm
Seminar on the State and Capitalism Since 1800 — The Politics of Punitive and Enabling Workfare: Evidence from 16 Countries from 1980-2015
Hoffmann Room, Adolphus Busch Hall
  • Alexander Horn – Assistant Professor of Political Science, Aarhus University; John F. Kennedy Memorial Fellow & Visiting Scholar 2019-2020, CES, Harvard University
  • Elissa Berwick – Postdoctoral Fellow in International and Public Affairs, Watson Institute, Brown University
  • Chair Peter A. Hall – Krupp Foundation Professor of European Studies, Harvard University; Resident Faculty & Seminar Chair, Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies, Harvard University; Senior Advisor, Executive Committee, Weatherhead Center for International Affairs, Harvard University and Kathleen Thelen – Ford Professor of Political Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Faculty Associate & Seminar Chair, Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies, Harvard University
CES Friday Lunch
12:30pm - 1:30pm
CES Friday Lunch
Goldman Room / Atrium, Busch Hall
Democracy and Immigrant Welfare Rights
11:00am - 12:30pm
New Research on Europe Seminar — Democracy and Immigrant Welfare Rights
Hoffmann Room, Adolphus Busch Hall
  • Friederike Römer – Postdoctoral Researcher, CRC Global Dynamics of Social Policy, University of Bremen; John F. Kennedy Memorial Fellow & Visiting Scholar 2019-2020, Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies, Harvard University

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Jewish Emancipation Reimagined
4:30pm - 6:00pm
Jews in Modern Europe Seminar — Jewish Emancipation Reimagined
Hoffmann Room, Adolphus Busch Hall
  • David Sorkin – Lucy G. Moses Professor of Modern Jewish History, Yale University
  • Chair Derek J. Penslar – William Lee Frost Professor of Jewish History, CES Resident Faculty and Seminar Chair, Harvard University

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

How to Write a Winning Proposal
6:00pm - 7:30pm
Thesis Workshop for Juniors — How to Write a Winning Proposal
Goldman Room, Adolphus Busch Hall
  • Hannah Callaway – Lecturer in the Committee on Degrees in Social Studies, Harvard University; CES Thesis Workshop Organizer & Seminar Co-chair, Harvard University
  • Michael Tworek – Associate, History Department & CES Thesis Workshop Organizer, Harvard University
Reinventing Athens – A Conversation with Mayor Kostas Bakoyannis
4:30pm - 6:00pm
CES 50th Anniversary Events Series — Reinventing Athens – A Conversation with Mayor Kostas Bakoyannis
Lower Level Conference Room, Adolphus Busch Hall
  • Kostas Bakoyannis – Resident Fellow, Harvard Kennedy School; Mayor of Athens (2019-2023), The Hellenic Republic
  • Chair Elaine Papoulias – Executive Director, Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies, Harvard University
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