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Populism, Nationalism and Radical Politics Study Group

Euroskepticism in a Post-Brexit Era

November 15, 2017
2:15pm - 4:00pm
Lower Level Conference Room, Adolphus Busch Hall
November 15, 2017
2:15pm - 4:00pm
Lower Level Conference Room, Adolphus Busch Hall
Video recording 1h:43m

The results of the 2016 referendum in the UK in favor of leaving the European Union sent shockwaves across Europe. However, support for Euroskeptic candidates in other countries, such as the Netherlands and France, has not increased markedly in the aftermath of Brexit. It remains uncertain whether these election results, and Euroskepticism trends more generally, represent continued commitment to the European project, a vote against populism, or confusion over the future of the EU, among other explanations. Our distinguished panel of experts will discuss these issues and reflect on the continued challenge posed by Eurokepticism in the post-Brexit era.

