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Square Pegs into Round Holes: Creating Moscow’s New Museum of Jewish History

May 3, 2016
4:15pm - 6:00pm
Dining Room, Busch Hall
May 3, 2016
4:15pm - 6:00pm
Dining Room, Busch Hall

In this presentation Dr. Dekel-Chen will discuss some of the issues arising from the planning and execution of the museum, the challenges of synthesizing this volatile history for a Russian-speaking audience, relations with the owners of the museum and the implications of creating this space in Putin’s Russia, including the recent international conflict surrounding the fate of the so-called “Schneersohn” library.
Dr. Jonathan Dekel-Chen served from 2008-2012 as one of five members on the international academic consultant committee that created the content of the museum.


In 2012, at an estimated cost of $50 million, the Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center opened in Moscow. Financed by the Federation of Jewish Communities in Russia, underwritten by Habad-Lubavitch (in Russia) sponsors, designed and constructed by the renowned New York architectural firm of Ralph Appelbaum Associates, the museum aimed to create a cutting-edge educational platform for the widest possible audience in Eurasia and beyond, exposing them to the complex history of Jews and non-Jews in Russian-speaking space.

