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Germany and Russia 25 Years After German Unification: From “Strategic Partnership” to Containment?

May 12, 2015
12:00pm - 2:00pm
Boston University Castle
May 12, 2015
12:00pm - 2:00pm
Boston University Castle

The Boston Eric M. Warburg Chapter of the American Council on Germany, the Goethe-Institut Boston and the Boston University Center for the Study of Europe cordially invite you to a discussion and luncheon with Professor Hannes Adomeit on Germany and Russia 25 Years After German Unification: From “Strategic Partnership” to Containment?


Hannes Adomeit was born in 1942 in Memel, East Prussia, now Lithuania, and was until last year Professor at the College of Europe in Warsaw, teaching courses on the EU and Russia.
There will be a charge of $10 per person for this event. To buy tickets for this event, please use the following link:
