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In Search of Recognition

in The New York Review on September 20, 2022

All of us need recognition. We need it from those we love but also from the state if we are to enjoy our rights as citizens, and from society at large if we are to secure esteem for our achievements. In the absence of recognition we languish, unloved and unseen, without legal protection and without the basic sense that we matter as human beings.

Mourn the Queen, Not Her Empire

Mourn the Queen, Not Her Empire

Maya Jasanoff in New York Times on September 8, 2022

"The queen embodied a profound, sincere commitment to her duties — her final public act was to appoint her 15th prime minister — and for her unflagging performance of them, she will be rightly mourned. She has been a fixture of stability, and her death in already turbulent times will send ripples of sadness around the world. But we should not romanticize her era." – Maya Jasanoff

India in a Different Voice

India in a Different Voice

Maya Jasanoff in The New York Times on August 22, 2022

"I have always interpreted the national projects of India and the United States in relation to one another. I have felt profound forms of connection and belonging, as well as alienation and discomfort, in both places. ... As both nations became less recognizable to me, I felt compelled to step in for a closer look at India." – Maya Jasanoff on India's 75th anniversary

Strengthening Civil Society in Spain: A Post-COVID-19 Agenda

Strengthening Civil Society in Spain: A Post-COVID-19 Agenda

In a recent report published by the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, CES Local Affiliate Sebastian Royo and Marta Rey-García explore how to pave the way for a future agenda of civil society for Spain in the aftermath of COVID 19. They argue that the time has come to rethink social contracts on both sides of the Atlantic.
