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Hans-Helmut Kotz 65 (in German)

Hans-Helmut Kotz 65 (in German)

in Böersen Zeitung on January 14, 2022

Wer mit Hans-Helmut Kotz über Ökonomie oder Geldpolitik spricht, geht in der Regel nicht nur mit ein paar neuen klugen Gedanken aus dem Gespräch, sondern meist gleich auch mit einigen Lesetipps.

How to Pick a Literary Winner

How to Pick a Literary Winner

Maya Jasanoff on November 4, 2021

What’s it like to read a book every day for several months so you can hash out with fellow judges which title deserves one of the most prestigious awards in literature? As chair of the 2021 Booker Prize’s judging committee, Maya Jasanoff knows the process inside and out.

Containment Beyond the Cold War

Containment Beyond the Cold War

Mary Elise Sarotte in Foreign Affairs on October 20, 2021

On December 15, 1991, U.S. Secretary of State James Baker arrived in Moscow amid political chaos to meet with Russian leader Boris Yeltsin, who was at the time busy wresting power from his nemesis, Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev.

Ethics and Economics of Medical Supplies in the COVID-19 Pandemic

in European Scientific Journal on September 15, 2021

The distribution of healthcare resources across local and global communities has triggered alarms throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. Injustice and inefficiency in the transfer of lifesaving medical supplies are magnified by the urgency of the public health crisis, ramified through pre-existing socioeconomic tensions, and further aggravated by frictions that plague international cooperation and global governance.
