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A Seat at the Table: Bridging the Gap between Europe and Africa

A Seat at the Table: Bridging the Gap between Europe and Africa

Sarah Palmer on May 19, 2021

Chinaza Asiegbu (History, Secondary in African Studies and French Citation, 2022) received a Summer Internship Grant from CES in 2020 to conduct a virtual internship at the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization in Paris. She also participated in the Europe in Washington Workshop on Democracy and Transatlantic Relations, made possible by a generous grant from Elizabeth Sherwood-Randall (AB ’81) who currently serves as White House Homeland Security Adviser.

Harvard and the Greek Revolution

May 7, 2021

On the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the Greek Revolution, CES Faculty Associate Panagiotis Roilos gave a paper on Harvard and the Greek Revolution at the Mahindra Humanities Center Seminar on Modern Greek Studies.

New Editors for Open Forum

March 30, 2021

CES is pleased to announce that George Soroka (Ph.D. ’14) is the new editor of the Open Forum Working Paper Series.
