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Confronting the refugee crisis

Confronting the refugee crisis

in Harvard Gazette on October 19, 2016

Perspectives on Germany's refugee crisis by Klaus Zimmermann, CES John F. Kennedy Memorial Policy Fellow, and Adrian Weickart, Harvard College student and CES intern, featured in Harvard Gazette article. (Credit: AP Photo/Markus Schreiber)

My Great Depression

My Great Depression

Arthur Goldhammer in The American Prospect on October 13, 2016

Pessimism of the intellect, optimism of the will, counseled Antonio Gramsci. But in 2016, pessimism is gaining the upper hand. Art Goldhammer shares a personal perspective on the state of Europe and the United States. (Photo: Sipa USA via AP/Julien Mattia)

Germany’s Retrograde Record on Gay Rights

Germany’s Retrograde Record on Gay Rights

Alexander Görlach in New York Times on October 7, 2016

Across Western Europe, marriage equality is fast becoming the norm: From Scandinavia through the Netherlands and Denmark; even the Catholic countries of Ireland, France and Spain. But there’s one glaring exception: Germany. It stands out not only because it is the largest country in Western Europe, but also because on many measures, it is among the most progressive.

A Lion in Winter

A Lion in Winter

in The Nation on September 14, 2016

Peter Gordon writes an in-depth review of the new biography of the life and thought of Jürgen Habermas.

Europe after Brexit

Europe after Brexit

Sir Paul Tucker in Bruegel on August 30, 2016

CES Senior Fellow Sir Paul Tucker co-authors a report that leaves aside the issue of EU reform and focuses on the desirable EU-UK relationship after Brexit.
