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The Yellow Vest Protests and the Tragedy of Emmanuel Macron

December 12, 2018

The Yellow Vest Protests and the Tragedy of Emmanuel Macron

December 12, 2018
Arthur Goldhammer in Foreign Affairs

France is a country with a long history of rebellions, but it has never seen anything quite like the revolt of the Gilets Jaunes (Yellow Vests), which erupted in mid-November. Disturbed by the high cost of gasoline and diesel fuel, a woman who runs an online cosmetics business in the small town of Savigny-le-Temple posted a petition on Facebook calling on authorities to cut prices at the pump. When the government instead announced that in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions it would enact a modest increase in the tax on gasoline and a slightly higher increase in the tax on diesel, the petition began to pick up steam. Before long it had gathered 986,000 signatures.

About the Author

Arthur Goldhammer

Arthur Goldhammer

Local Affiliate & Seminar Co-chair

Art Goldhammer has a B.S. and Ph.D. in Mathematics from MIT and has taught at Brandeis University and Boston University. He has translated more than 125 books from French, for which he ...