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Generation Merkel at Harvard

Generation Merkel at Harvard

in Harvard Gazette on May 30, 2019

Students from Germany, who may barely remember when Angela Merkel wasn't chancellor, share their thoughts as she visits. Karl Oskar Schulz '22, who served as research assistant to Daniel Ziblatt and CES program assistant also shares his perspective.

Heading to Hungary to study and help

Heading to Hungary to study and help

in Harvard Gazette on May 21, 2019

Sara Bobok '19 traveled to her native Hungary on a CES Senior Thesis Grant to hear what motivates young people. She won the prestigious Hoopes Prize for her senior thesis, which was guided by CES Director Grzegorz Ekiert and CES Affiliate Nikolas Prevelakis, among others. Featured here as one of Harvard's stellar graduates, read what motivates Sara and what she plans next.

Three win prestigious Hoopes Prize

Three win prestigious Hoopes Prize

May 13, 2019

Three CES Senior Thesis Grant Recipients Sara Bobok, Emily Brothers and Julia Fine were awarded the prestigious Thomas Temple Hoopes Prize for their outstanding research. These students spent their junior summer in Europe to conduct research for their senior thesis and were nominated by their advisors including Maya Jasanoff, CES Resident Faculty, and Nicolas Prevelakis, CES Local Affiliate.

Grieving for Notre Dame

Grieving for Notre Dame

Arthur Goldhammer in The Nation on April 17, 2019

"The church embodies a civilization, and had it been erased from the earth ... the loss would have been irretrievable," says Art Goldhammer in a moving tribute in The Nation. (Photo Credit: Reuters / Benoit Tessier)
