Thomas Kleine-Brockhoff has been appointed director of the German Council on Foreign Relations beginning August 15, 2024. Most recently, Brockhoff served as the Guido Goldman Distinguished Scholar for Geostrategy at the German Marshall Fund (GMF) in Berlin, which he led for five years. With an earlier tenure at GMF in Washington, DC, he served on the organization’s executive team for a decade. Between 2013 and 2017, Kleine-Brockhoff served as an advisor to German President Joachim Gauck, overseeing policy planning and speechwriting. He started his career as a journalist with DIE ZEIT, Germany’s intellectual weekly, and became its Washington bureau chief.
Kleine-Brockhoff is a longtime expert on transatlantic foreign and security policy and works on various aspects of the emerging global order. He is the author of The World Needs the West – A Fresh Start for a Liberal Order (2019) and a co-author of the GMF study Designing Ukraine’s Recovery in the Spirit of the Marshall Plan (2022).
This information is accurate for the time period that the fellow is affiliated with CES.