Roberts is a Ph.D. Candidate in the Department of Government, studying
comparative political economy in rich democracies and contemporary political
theory. His primary substantive interests are at the intersection of three
topics: education, housing, and finance/credit. In his dissertation project
on the "Politics of Opportunity in Advanced Democracies", Roberts
studies how historical choices and political spillovers in these
institutional domains condition individual behavior. And how this in turn
affects politicians’ approach to providing "opportunity" during
structural economic transitions, encompassing representative cases across
North America, Europe, and East Asia.
Roberts' primary cases in the European
context are contemporary Germany and Sweden. His methodological approaches
are eclectic, encompassing quantitative methods (administrative data, public
surveys, formal theory), qualitative methods (comparative historical process
tracing), and contemporary normative theory. Previously Roberts received a
B.A. in Economics at the University of Chicago with a focus on
macroeconomics, and was a research analyst at the Federal Reserve Bank of New
York researching capital markets.
Ph.D. Student in Government, Harvard University
Graduate Student Affiliate, Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies, Harvard University