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Christiane Lemke

Visiting Scholar 2018-2019; John F. Kennedy Memorial Fellow 1983-1984


Christiane Lemke

Christiane Lemke is a professor of international relations and European studies at Leibniz University Hannover. Her research interests include the creation of norms and customs in global governance. Lemke earned her Ph.D. in Philosophy at the Freie Universität Berlin. She was a John F. Kennedy Memorial Fellow at CES in 1983 and a Visiting Krupp Chair in the department of government at Harvard University. Lemke was the first woman in Germany to serve as the director of the state parliament in Lower Saxony.

While at CES, Lemke will work on a book manuscript on the evolution of transatlantic relations amid tensions of conflicting norms around nationalism, populism and the new politics of protectionism. This project explores questions on the future of the liberal order: a) Is the shift toward nationalism recasting post-Cold War postulates, b) What are the ideas and norms that shape the surging populist policies and political relations, and c) Can transatlantic norm conflicts be resolved through deliberation?

This information is accurate for the time period that the affiliate is affiliated with CES.


  • Professor of Political Science, Leibniz University of Hannover
  • Visiting Scholar 2018-2019, CES, Harvard University
  • John F. Kennedy Memorial Fellow 1983-1984, CES, Harvard University


  • Christiane Lemke and Helga A Welsh. “Germany Today: Politics and Policies in a Changing World,” Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield, 2018, pp. 247.

Research Project

Europe and the U.S.: Community or clash of values and norms?


Political Science
