Personal networks of Chinese international students: A structural and comparative analysis
Başak Bilecen is a sociologist and her research revolves around international migration, transnational networks, and social inequalities. Previously she held Assistant Professorship and post-doctoral positions at Bielefeld University in Germany before joining the University of Groningen in the Netherlands. She holds a Ph.D. in Sociology from Bielefeld University in Germany and her research was funded by the ZEIT Foundation. In her book called ‘International Student Mobility and Transnational Friendships’ (2014) Başak focuses on the ways in which friendship is done across borders through a qualitative analysis of international students’ social networks. After obtaining her Ph.D., she has worked on three international large-scale collaborative research projects funded by German Research Council (DFG) investigating mainly social networks of migrants and inequalities they experience. She has co-edited 3 special issues in international peer-reviewed journals (Population, Space and Place (2015), Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies (2017), and Social Networks (2018).
During her stay at CES, through a mixed-methods research design, Başak will investigate the role of international students’ personal networks on their study abroad motivations, decision-making processes, and social protection in Germany and in the United States in comparison.
information was last updated for the 50th anniversary of the John F. Kennedy
Memorial Fellowship, September 2017.
Personal networks of Chinese international students: A structural and comparative analysis