5:00pm - 6:30pm @ Atrium, Adolphus Busch Hall
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Tamas Szabados

Visiting Scholar 2015-2016


Tamas Szabados

Szabados is Senior Lecturer of International Law and European Economic Law at the Faculty of Law of Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary. In 2012, he received his Ph.D. from this institution with a thesis entitled “The Transfer of the Company Seat within the European Union - The Impact of the Freedom of Establishment on National Laws.” He also holds an LL.M. degree from the University of London, United Kingdom.

During his stay at the Center, Szabados will examine human rights in European Union law. Although European integration was initially centered around the free movement of goods, persons, services and capital, human rights have gradually gained recognition in European Union law. However, the four freedoms and human rights may get into conflict with each other, and the Court of Justice of the European Union (ECJ) has to strike a balance between them. Szabados’ research intends to reveal the methodology of the ECJ to strike a balance between these rights and the inherent uncertainties involved in the application of the proportionality test. Szabados will compare cases of the U.S. Supreme Court and the European Court of Human Rights.

This information is accurate for the time period that the scholar is affiliated with CES.


  • Senior Lecturer of International Law and European Economic Law, Faculty of Law, Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary
  • Visiting Schloar, CES, Harvard University

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Areas of Expertise:

EU Law
International Economic Law
Private International Law

Research Topic:

Human Rights and Economic Freedoms in the European Union
