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Tolga Bölükbaşı

Visiting Scholar 2015-2016


Tolga Bölükbaşı

Bolukbasi is Assistant Professor of Political Science and Public Administration at Bilkent University, Turkey. He received his Ph.D. in Sociology from McGill University, Canada, in 2007 and was visiting researcher at Institute for European Studies at the Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies, Germany, and the Center for Social Policy Research at Universität Bremen, Germany. In 2013, Bolukbasi received the Bilkent University Distinguished Teaching Award.

As a Fulbright Senior Scholar at CES, Bolukbasi will examine the conditions under which policy reforms were possible in Southern European countries with a history of resistance to reforms. He will also assess whether these reforms lead to institutional change in different policy structures. His research, which evaluates empirical evidence on reform dynamics in monetary, fiscal and labor market policies, aims to put Turkey in a comparative Southern European perspective.

This information is accurate for the time period that the scholar is affiliated with CES.


  • Assistant Professor of Political Science, Bilkent University, Turkey
  • Fulbright Senior Fellow and Visiting Scholar (2015-16), CES

“Conversation about U.S. society, politics, and economy forces you to think about Europe in comparative terms.”

Bolukbasis shared his experiences as a CES Visiting Scholar 2015-2016.

Scholar Profile


Political Science


Areas of Expertise:

Comparative Political Economy
Comparative Labor Markets and Welfare States
Politics and Policy in the EU
Europeanization of Socio-Economic Governance

Research Topic:

What Makes Reform Happen in ‘Reform-Sclerotic’ Countries?

Topic of Expertise
