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Laura Dobusch

Dobusch is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Inclusion & Disability Division of Max Planck Institute for Social Law and Social Policy, Germany, and a Lecturer in the Department of Sport and Health Sciences at Technical University of Munich, Germany. She recently received her Ph.D. at Technical University of Munich. Her dissertation analyzed practices of diversity management and their effects on both disability and gender arrangements within organizations.

While at the Center, Dobusch will work on a research project that investigates why diversity management processes in organizations do not address diversity within their performance standards. By analyzing return-to-work policies after disability in Germany, Dobush will assess how performance standards, which are perceived as objective, influence the allocation of positions within organizations and in society as a whole.

This information is accurate for the time period that the scholar is affiliated with CES.


  • Research Associate, Sociology of Diversity Chair, Technical University of Munich

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Country of Origin:


Areas of Expertise:
Disability & Gender Issues

Research Topic:
Inclusive Diversity Management as Diversity of Performance?
