4:00pm - 5:15pm @ William James Hall, B1 Lecture Hall
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Ines Michalowski

Visiting Scholar 2014-2015


Ines Michalowski

Michalowski is a Researcher at the WZB Berlin Social Science Center. She holds a joint Ph.D. from Sciences Po Paris and the University of Münster. Her comparative research focuses on citizenship and immigrant integration policies in Europe and on the question of how public institutions react to immigration-related diversity. She is currently working on a comparison of citizenship rights in 29 countries.

During her stay at the Center, Michalowski will be working on a book that examines the influence that nation-state specific and organization-specific logics have on the accommodation of religion and religious diversity in the armed forces of five European countries and the United States. This project seeks to introduce theories from the sociology of organizations to migration research and thereby launch the concept of organizational opportunity structures as an alternative to predominant country-based explanations for variation in strategies of accommodation of religious diversity.

This information is accurate for the time period that the scholar is affiliated with CES.


  • Researcher, WZB Berlin Social Science Center
  • WZB Fellow, WZB Berlin Social Science Center