McIntosh is an Assistant Professor of Cultural Anthropology at Duke University. She holds a Ph.D. in Anthropology from Harvard University. She teaches courses on the anthropology of Europe, global migration and ethics, gender, citizenship and governmentality. Her research explores state governance and moral experience, the mainstreaming of extremist political sentiment, and the epistemology of global aging.
During her time at CES, she will work on two projects. The first will be the completion of her book manuscript Living Together in Uncertainty: Difference and Ambivalence in the New Norway. In this work she will examine the politics and uncertainties of race, immigration and multiculturalism in Norway. McIntosh’s second project will examine the lives of elder northern Europeans who migrate to Spain for retirement and medical purposes. This study will consider the cultural politics of aging, how care and citizenship shape current concerns about economic decline, the welfare state and ‘the greying of Europe.’ McIntosh is also working on a project investigating the increased militarization of the southern European border and the policing and detention of asylum-seekers in Spain.
This information is accurate for the time period that the scholar is affiliated with CES.
Assistant Professor of Cultural Anthropology, Duke University