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Anna Holzscheiter

Anna Holzscheiter is a Lecturer in International Relations at the Center for Transnational Relations, Foreign and Security Policy at Freie Universität Berlin, where she also received her Ph.D. She is the recipient of CES’ John F. Kennedy Fellowship. Holzscheiter’s research focuses on constructivist theories in International Relations, particularly those revolving around the theory, concept and analysis of discourse; on norms in international politics; and on the power and changing role of non-state actors in world politics. She is an expert on human rights issues, particularly the international politics of child protection and children’s rights and has served as a consultant to UNICEF on these issues.

During her Kennedy Memorial Fellowship, Holzscheiter will be working on institutional fragmentation and inter-organizational cooperation in global health governance. In her research, she will review two central questions: Do norms that define inter-organizational convergence as a prerequisite for effective global governance impact on patterns of cooperation between international organizations? Second, under which conditions do they result in the desired outcome

Her recent publications include Children’s Rights in International Politics. The Power of Transnational Discourse (2010) and “Between Communicative Interaction and Structures of Signification: Discourse Theory and Analysis in International Relations” (International Studies Perspectives, 2013).

This information was last updated for the 50th anniversary of the John F. Kennedy Memorial Fellowship, September 2017.


  • John F. Kennedy Memorial Fellow 2014-2015, CES, Harvard University
  • Visiting Scholar 2014-2015, CES, Harvard University