Philip Fileri is a PhD student in history at Harvard University. He studies modern intellectual history and the history of international relations and European integration. His primary interest centers on French and German political thought, particularly as they intersected with post-World War II international relations and addressed questions of sovereignty.
His dissertation, Europe After Europe: French Political Thought and European Integration, 1973–1992, tracks French debates over the meaning of Europe as a political project in order to examine the ways in which intellectual elites invested the project with post-Cold War ideals and justifications distinct from the internationalist visions that guided the creation of the European Economic Community just after World War II.
With support from a Krupp Foundation fellowship, Fileri spent the 2009–2010 year conducting research in France and at the European University Institute. He has also received a Whiting Fellowship in the Humanities. He holds a BA in history from Columbia University and received his MA from Harvard University in 2008. He served as a graduate Tutor in Harvard's History & Literature program in 2010-2011.
This information is accurate for the time period that the scholar is affiliated with CES.
PhD Student in History, Harvard University
Graduate Student Affiliate, CES, Harvard University