Richard Weiner is professor of political science at Rhode Island College where he recently returned to full-time teaching and scholarship after twenty years as dean of arts and sciences. Weiner is currently completing a book entitled Social Rights, Social Pacts and Social Law. He is the author of Cultural Marxism and Political Sociology, Los Indignados: Tides of Social Insertion in Spain, and Sustainable Community Movement Organizations: Solidarity Economies and Rhizomatic Practices. His articles have appeared in publications such as Sociologie du Travail, Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning, NEH Modern China Project at the University of Chicago, Constellations, The European Legacy, Central European Political Science Review, AJS, and Current Perspectives in Social Theory. He also taught at the University of North Florida and London South Bank University. He served as a visiting scholar at the London School of Economics, and Centre d'Études des Mouvements Sociaux (EHESS). He holds a Ph.D. from Columbia University.
Professor of Political Science, Rhode Island College
Local Affiliate, Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies, Harvard University