Congratulations to Fulbright recipient Kirsten Wesselhoeft
CES graduate student affiliate Kirsten Wesselhoeft has been awarded a grant for 2013-2014.
CES graduate student affiliate Kirsten Wesselhoeft has been awarded a grant for 2013-2014.
Kris Manjapra is Assistant Professor of History at Tufts University.
Mary Dewhurst Lewis is professor of history at Harvard and author of The Boundaries of the Republic: Migrant Rights and the Limits of Universalism in France, 1918-1940 (Stanford, 2007).
CES affiliate Arthur Goldhammer has translated more than one hundred and twenty books from French. His translation of Tocqueville’s Ancien Régime and the Revolution won the FAF Translation Prize for 2011.
Mareike Kleine, former John F. Kennedy Memorial Fellow at CES, recently released her new book, "Informal Governance in the European Union: How Governments Make International Organizations Work," with Cornell University Press.
“One of the major reasons for the crisis was rooted in this process of institutional degeneration that started before the crisis,” argues Sebastián Royo, professor of government at Suffolk University in Boston (in the print edition of the Financial Times on Tuesday, October 29th).
Mothers and grandmothers working from the ground up toward lasting peace in Bosnia-Herzegovina inspired Zilka Spahic-Siljak, visiting lecturer at the Harvard Divinity School, to share their stories in a new book presented at CES on Monday, October 7th.
The European crisis-management was at each turn at best accidental and the challenges facing the EU five years down the road are great. But European leaders could turn this ever-threatening crisis into a meaningful transition if they focus on developing a 'green economy', writes Éloi Laurent.
CES launched a three-year pilot exchange program this summer with the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe (ALDE), a political party in the European Parliament.
CES affiliate and Harvard Kennedy School Professor Muriel Rouyer recently published an article in the Women's Studies International Forum on the Dominique Strauss-Kahn affair and the culture of privacy.