The Eastern European Spring
CES Visiting Scholar Bojan Bugaric writes that recent elections in Romania are pro-EU and portray a different picture of the Eastern European electorate.
CES Visiting Scholar Bojan Bugaric writes that recent elections in Romania are pro-EU and portray a different picture of the Eastern European electorate.
A European Negotiation Game took place at Harvard Kennedy School (HKS) within the framework of the “Global Europe in the 21st Century: Democracy, Policy and Governance” class (class DPI-431 ) in late September 2014.
Das Märchen vom Schicksalstag
November 8, 2014, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
Note: This article was published in German only
When the wall came down
By Colleen Walsh, Harvard Gazette, Staff Writer
Harvard Crimson covers a panel discussion on Mediterranean Gas Reserves organized by the CES Eastern Mediterranean and Europe Study Group
How NSA Spying, Google and Chlorinated Chickens Are Pitting Germans Against Americans -- And What to Do About It
CES Prof. Sarotte argues in The Guardian that President Putin's role as KGB officer in East Germany 25 years ago explains his hardline policies today.
Yascha Mounk argues that liberal democracy could be threatened by populism