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Euro Trump

November 18, 2015

Daniel Ziblatt draws parallels between Donald Trump and Silvio Berlusconi in New York Times.

CES Appoints Radoslaw Sikorski as Senior Fellow

November 6, 2015

Cambridge, MA – Harvard’s Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies (CES) today announced that Radosław Sikorski, an accomplished public servant and practitioner of public policy, will join CES as a non-resident Senior Fellow.

Europe's crisis of conscience

September 25, 2015

2015 Summit on the Future of Europe discussion on Europe's refugee crisis is covered by the Harvard Gazette

Mary Lewis honors Stanley Hoffmann in H-France

September 22, 2015

Lewis remembers Hoffmann whose "mild manner commanded attention and respect without any need for bravado" and who "was utterly unconcerned by rank and hierarchy."
