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View of Adolphus Busch Hall from the Courtyard

Impeachment: What this means, where this leads

Christina Pazzanese in Harvard Gazette on December 18, 2019

"To survive, democracy requires at least two democratic political parties. We currently only have one. If this doesn’t change, our growing democratic disorder risks mutating into an even more extreme form," comments Daniel Ziblatt in a Harvard Gazette article on what impeachment may mean for the presidency and the future of American democracy.

Cities in a world of states

Cities in a world of states

Charles Maier in Diplomatic Courier on December 10, 2019

Any geopolitical order based on cities must depend upon the partial dismantling of the territorial state order and thus of the notion of a unitary sovereignty as it developed from the Renaissance until very recently. Is that really plausible in this day and age? – Charles Maier, Leverett Saltonstall Research Professor of History & CES Resident Faculty

Mainstream conservative parties paved the way for far-right nationalism - A six-part series

Mainstream conservative parties paved the way for far-right nationalism - A six-part series

in Monkey Cage, The Washington Post on December 2, 2019

By talking up ethnic nationalism but not delivering, they opened up space for the radical right, say CES Resident Faculty Bart Bonikowski and Daniel Ziblatt in their introduction to a six-part article series commissioned by The Washington Post's Monkey Cage. This series of articles resulted from a 2018 Weatherhead Center for International Affairs conference and was edited by Bonikowski and Ziblatt.

How right-wing populists in Europe are redefining gender politics

How right-wing populists in Europe are redefining gender politics

Clea Simon on October 25, 2019

With the rise of populist right-wing groups in Europe, gender politics are in play. Increasingly and in what may be viewed as a counter-intuitive move, gender equality, has been taken up as a rallying cause by conservative groups, opening up new questions about the definition of gender and putting gender studies under attack. Kathrin Zippel and Myra Marx Ferree raised these issues in a recent workshop "Troubling Times for Gender Equality Politics."
