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Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Regulating Mobility:  The Transformation of State Borders and Visa Policies
12:15pm - 1:45pm
Hoffmann Room, Adolphus Busch Hall
Visiting Scholars Seminar: New Research on Europe — Regulating Mobility: The Transformation of State Borders and Visa Policies
  • Steffen Mau – Professor of Macrosociology, Humboldt University and CES Visiting Scholar, Harvard University

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Probing the Limits of Speculation: Counterfactualism and the Holocaust
4:15pm - 6:00pm
Hoffmann Room, Adolphus Busch Hall
Jews in Modern Europe Study Group — Probing the Limits of Speculation: Counterfactualism and the Holocaust

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

The Struggle Continues: The Politics of Protest Since 1968
4:15pm - 6:00pm
Lower Level Conference Room, Adolphus Busch Hall
CES Special Event & Art Exhibit Opening — The Struggle Continues: The Politics of Protest Since 1968
  • Marshall Ganz – Senior Lecturer in Public Policy, Harvard Kennedy School
  • Lilian Mathieu – Senior Researcher (Sociology), National Center for Scientific Research, France; Member, Centre Max Weber, École normale supérieure de Lyon
  • Srdja Popovic – Co-founder and Chairman, Centre for Applied Nonviolent Action and Strategies
  • Chair Mary D. Lewis – Robert Walton Goelet Professor of French History and CES Resident Faculty, Harvard University

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Senior Thesis Workshop - Session 4: Research Methodologies
6:00pm - 7:00pm
Goldman Room, Adolphus Busch Hall
Senior Thesis Workshop - Session 4: Research Methodologies
Russian Attempts to Destabilize the EU: Catalonia's Public Debate
4:15pm - 6:00pm
Lower Level Conference Room, Adolphus Busch Hall
Southern Europe in the EU — Russian Attempts to Destabilize the EU: Catalonia's Public Debate

Friday, March 2, 2018

The Law of Reconciliation: German Protestants and International Law in a Divided World, 1957-1965
2:00pm - 4:00pm
Goldman Room, Adolphus Busch Hall
CES Dissertation Workshop — The Law of Reconciliation: German Protestants and International Law in a Divided World, 1957-1965
  • Brandon Bloch – PhD Student in History and Graduate Student Affiliate, CES, Harvard University
Friday Lunch
12:30pm - 2:00pm
Goldman Room / Atrium, Busch Hall
Friday Lunch
The European Conference 2018 - March 2-4
9:00am - 6:00pm
Various Locations: for details go to the program:
Europe Winds in the Sails — The European Conference 2018 - March 2-4
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