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205 results
Unelected Power: A Book Presentation and Discussion with Sir Paul Tucker
Oct 24, 2018 1h:38m
Diversity and Inclusion in France: From Algeria to the Elysée, the Journey of Bariza Khiari, President Macron's Advisor
Oct 3, 2018 1h:29m
The Politics of History and the Future of the Museum of the History of Polish Jews (POLIN)
Sep 5, 2018 49m
Changing Youth Values in Southern Europe
May 2, 2018 1h:32m
Resetting Turkey’s Strategic Relations West and East
Apr 23, 2018 1h:32m
How Democracies Die, A Book Discussion
Apr 20, 2018 1h:47m
Portugal’s Economic Recovery: From Sick Man to Poster Boy
Apr 18, 2018 1h:31m
Islamophobia and the Struggle for Recognition
Apr 12, 2018 1h:35m
Visegrad Contra Brussels: Europeanization Fatigue in New Europe
Apr 9, 2018 1h:50m
The Struggle Continues: The Politics of Protest Since 1968
Apr 7, 2018 1h:47m
Populism, Polish Style: Can Liberal Democracy Be Saved?​
Mar 28, 2018 1h:39m
The People vs. Democracy: Why Our Freedom Is in Danger and How to Save It
Feb 6, 2018 1h:45m