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205 results
Emmanuel Macron's Presidency and the 2022 French Presidential Election
May 11, 2021 1h:15m
Combating Racism in Europe: What Role do Legislators Play?
May 6, 2021 1h:02m
"An Unspeakable Jewish Tragedy" – Jews, the Munich Revolution, and the Rise of Nazism
May 6, 2021 1h:10m
The House of Fragile Things
Apr 22, 2021 1h:24m
The New Italian Government: A Last Chance for Italy and Europe?
Apr 20, 2021 1h:15m
Global Europe What Does That Mean
Apr 12, 2021 1h:01m
Thesis Workshop for Juniors — Senior Thesis Conference 2021
Apr 9, 2021 52m
Confronting a Hostile State: Scholars of the Holocaust in Poland
Mar 25, 2021 1h:26m
The Rise and Fall of Jewish International Politics, 1919-1949
Mar 11, 2021 1h:02m
Populism After Trump
Mar 4, 2021 1h:28m
Populism, Democracy and Recognition
Feb 18, 2021 1h:11m
The Jewish Eighteenth Century and the Transformative Year 1782
Dec 3, 2020 1h:12m