Writer & Translator; Local Affiliate & Seminar Chair, Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies, Harvard University
September 27, 2019
1:30pm - 3:00pm
Hoffmann Room, Adolphus Busch Hall
Alexander Horn studies the changes in the importance of different concepts of equality among parties and how they affect equality-enhancing policies and inequality. He does that by using the innovative data-gathering tool of online crowdcoding. Based on the "wisdom of the crowd," he maps how parties conceive of equality and how these conceptions have changed.
To gather the data that the crowd categorizes, Horn uses political texts as sources. The aim of the talk is to present and discuss this research agenda based on first results for German parties.
The New Research on Europe Seminar
serves as a weekly forum in which CES Visiting Scholars present their
work. Scholars present their work in a form accessible to scholars
working in fields other than their own. Papers may be circulated in
advance, although this is not required.
The seminar encourages
discussions across disciplinary as well as national boundaries. After
each presentation, there is ample time for critique and discussion,
followed by the CES Friday Lunch. This seminar is open to the public.