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Eva Marlene Hausteiner

Eva Marlene Hausteiner is a Postdoctoral Lecturer and Researcher in Political Theory at the University of Bonn, and an affiliated member of the Research Cluster "Transformations of Antiquity“ at Humboldt University, Berlin. She has previously been a Visiting Researcher at Columbia University and the Center for Human Values at Princeton University. Her work focuses on Intellectual History, with a central interest in the History of International Political Thought.

As a John F. Kennedy Memorial Fellow at the Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies (CES), Eva Marlene Hausteiner will investigate the conceptual potential of federalism beyond canonical notions of statehood: What approaches does the history of political ideas have to offer when it comes to thinking about expanding and highly asymmetrical federations, and how can these expeditions into conceptual history advance current debates on the European Union and other federal political orders? Grey areas between federalism and empire will play a particular role in her project, as manifest for examples in debate about the imperial expansion of the American federal union around the turn of the last century.

This information was last updated for the 50th anniversary of the John F. Kennedy Memorial Fellowship, September 2017.


  • Postdoctoral Lecturer and Researcher in Political Theory, University of Bonn
  • John F. Kennedy Memorial Fellow & Visiting Scholar 2016-2017, Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies, Harvard University

Research Topic

Expanding Federations - Expansions of Federalism?


  • Intellectual History
  • History of Political Thought

Areas of Expertise

  • Theories of empire
  • Conceptual history
  • Federalism


  • Eva Marlene Hausteiner, Greater than Rome. Neubestimmungen britischer Imperialität 1870-1914, (Campus, 2015).
  • Eva Marlene Hausteiner, Föderalismen. Modelle jenseits des Staates, (Nomos, 2016).
  • Eva Marlene Hausteiner, “Managing the World – Conceptions of Imperial Rule between Republicanism and Technocracy”, History of European Ideas, 42:4, 570-584.
  • Eva Marlene Hausteiner, “Tsarist Afterlives. Russian Para-Royalty between Nationalism and Transnationalism”, Milinda Banerjee, Charlotte Backerra, Cathleen Sarti (Hg.): The Royal Nation. Transnational Histories, (Palgrave Macmillan, 2016).
  • Eva Marlene Hausteiner, “The Attraction of Rome in the Age of Empire: the Imperium Romanum as a Precedence for Imperial Britain”, Mediterraneo Antico 1-2, 31-48, (2010).