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Amandine Crespy

Political Scientist


Amandine Crespy is Assistant Professor for political science and EU studies and research affiliate in the Cevipol at the Université libre de Bruxelles. Her dissertation, which she will publish in the coming year, deals with the conflict over the EU Services Directive (Bolkestein Directive). Her research interests include conflicts over EU integration, the German EU policy, Social democracy and Europe and the politics of services in the EU. She published several articles in French-speaking and international journals and co-edited a volume entitled L\'Europe sous tensions: Appropriation et contestation de l\'integration europèenne. She will be at the CES during the Spring Semester 2011 to develop a research project on the regulation of the services of general interest at EU level.


  • Assistant Professor for Political Science and EU Studies and Research Affiliate, Cevipol at the Université libre de Bruxelles