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Marie-Hélène Bacqué

Bacqué is Professor of Sociology and Urban Studies at the University of Paris Ouest Nanterre LaDéfense, France, and was Director of the Mosaïques-LAVUE Laboratory, France. Her interest is inneighborhood changes and community development in Canada, France and the United States. Herother area of interest is the effect of urban democracy, participation and urban social movement. In2013, Bacqué published a report for the French government entitled Participation and Empowerment inDistressed Neighborhoods.

Bacqué is returning to the Center for a third tenure, having been here last in 2008 under a FulbrightScholarship. Her research at CES will be part of a wider program that examines changes occurring inlower class neighborhoods in large European and North American cities. In Boston, she plans to studyhow the engagement of activists in Boston’s poor neighborhoods compares to community organizationsin similar neighborhoods in France.

This information is accurate for the time period that the scholar is affiliated with CES.

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Country of Origin:




Urban Studies

Areas of Expertise:

Urban Development

Social Movement

Research Topic:

Metropolitan Lower Class Neighborhoods: Trajectories and Reconfigurations
