Tobias Schumacher is Chair of European Neighborhood Policy at the College of Europe, Natolin campus (Warsaw). His research interests focus on the European Neighborhood Policy, on European-Mediterranean relations, on the politics of the Middle East and North Africa and the South Caucasus, respectively. He is the author of 4 books and numerous book chapters, research articles, and policy papers. He has also edited several books, one of which is about to be published by Palgrave later this year, entitled “The revised European Neighbourhood Policy. Continuity and Change in EU Foreign Policy.” His most current project is a Handbook on the European Neighborhood Policy, to be published by Routledge in early 2017. His chair is also part of the Horizon 2020 research project MEDRESET, in which he leads a work package on EU and EU member states' framing practices of the Mediterranean as a geopolitical space. He received his doctorate in political science from the University of Mainz, and is a Senior Research Fellow at the Center for International Studies at the University Institute of Lisbon.
This information is accurate for the time period that the scholar is affiliated with CES.