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Corrado Pasquali

Visiting Scholar 2013-2014

Room 418


Corrado Pasquali

Corrado Pasquali is an associate professor of economics at the University of Teramo. His research focus is on the economics of technical change.

During his fellowship at the Center, Pasquali’s project will focus on the relation between wages, innovation and human capital at the Italian steel mill Acciaierie di Terni from 1884 to 1939. For his work, he will analyze the enrollment records of individual workers from the period of 1884-1939 from the archives of the steel mills’ owner, the Thyssen-Krupp Group. Pasqulai intends to extrapolate important statistics from these archives that tell a story about its workers and their families, such as their literacy levels, family backgrounds, educational records and employment history. For the second part of his study, Pasquali will assess how the demographics of these workers relate to the challenges of constructing a public education system in Italy.

This information is accurate for the time period that the scholar is affiliated with CES.
