Elisabeth Niejahr is an editor of the German weekly Die Zeit. She works in the Berlin office and covers economic and political affairs. In 1993 Niejahr finished her studies at Cologne University with a master's degree in economics. She also attended the Cologne School of Journalism, with internships at the Chicago Tribune, the United Nations in New York and Die Zeit in Hamburg. After university Niejahr became a Bonn correspondent for Der Spiegel, covering ecological issues and the debate on climate change. In 1999, when the German government moved from Bonn to Berlin, Niejahr not only went to Berlin but also started a new job at Die Zeit, writing mainly about the reform of the European welfare states. Niejahr has published books on power techniques and on aging and demographic change. A new book on family issues will come out next spring. At CES she wants to learn more about international relations. She will be in residence as the fall 2011 Bucerius fellow.
This information is accurate for the time
period that the scholar is affiliated with CES.
Visiting Scholar 2011-2012, Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies, Harvard University