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Brigid Laffan

Visiting Scholar 2011-2012


Brigid Laffan

Laffan is a professor of European politics at University College Dublin and has spent the last six years as vice president of the university. She has worked on the dynamic of European integration and has published in the Journal of Common Market Studies, West European Politics, and the Journal of European Public Policy. During her time at CES, Laffan will begin a study on the Euro Crisis. As the crisis unfolded, European institutions and the member states struggled to respond to the crisis in a manner which convinced the markets that the political capacity and financial muscle existed to address Europe's banking and sovereign debt woes. The research aims to explore the relationship between ideas and interests in the unfolding crisis.

This information is accurate for the time period that the scholar is affiliated with CES.


  • Visiting Scholar 2011-2012, Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies, Harvard University