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2021 Dissertation Completion Fellowship Recipients

The Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies (CES) awarded seven graduate students from Harvard University and MIT a Dissertation Completion Fellowship to conduct research on Europe during the 2021-2022 academic year.

Joonas Tuhkuri
​Annikki Herranen-Tabibi

John Dilworth (Musicology) – Oratorio and liberal modernity in Britain (1830-1870) (Note: Funding for Fall 2021)

Rachelle Grossman (Comparative Literature) – Cultural capitals: Postwar Yiddish publishing in Buenos Aires and Warsaw (1945-84)

Iheb Guermazi (History, Theory, and Criticism of Art and Architecture, MIT) – The spiritual turn: Modern Sufism and the study of Islamic art

Annikki Herranen-Tabibi (Social Anthropology) – Care, state-making, and indigenous resurgence: Ethnography along Deanuleahki and Deanučázádat, Sápmi

Rachelle Grossman (Comparative Literature, Harvard University)

Matthew Sohm (History) – Paying for the post-industrial: The global costs of European de-and re-industrialization (1972-1988)

Joonas Tuhkuri (Economics, MIT) – Technological change and work in contemporary Europe

Armanc Yildiz (Social Anthropology; Secondary field in the Studies of Women, Gender, and Sexuality) – Pedagogies of flesh: Sexuality, race, and value in the sex education of postcolonial Germany

Armanc Yildiz

* Unless otherwise noted, students are enrolled at Harvard University.

Iheb Guermazi

Interested in applying for a Dissertation Completion Fellowship?
